Denali Gourmet kembali hadir menjadi salah satu sponsor utama dalam sebuah kompetisi mixology bertajuk Jakarta Mixologist Battle. kompetisi ini diadakan di mall Kota Kasablanka pada tanggal 18 Februari 2023. Dalam kompetisi ini para peserta dituntut untuk menyajikan olahan minuman yang fresh, unik dan enak dengan di dalamnya menggunakan varian syrup dari Denali.
Denali Gourmet terus menjaga komitmenya untuk mendukung acara-acara serupa yang menjadi wadah bertumbuhnya dunia mixology di Indonesia. Sampai jumpa pada event-event Denali selanjutnya. Denali Pure Quality, Pure Sensation.
Flashback of the excitement of the Bangkit Mixologist Championship which was held at 23 Paskal Shopping Center, Bandung, February 3 – 4 2023. Denali Gourmet also supports this competition by presenting various flavors of syrup, powder, puree and sauces used by the participants to produce new menus and also new creations in the competition.
The Rise of the Mixologist Championship competition is a gathering event for mixologist activists in Indonesia as well as a venue for proving the best baristas and bartenders to win prizes that have been prepared.
We hope that through the Bangkit Mixologist Championship event, the general public will be interested in the world of mixology and drink creations in Indonesia. See you at the next exciting events with Denali. Denali, Sweet as you love it.
La Musique Recital Piano is a music program that focuses on piano performances by young pianists who aim to find new talents who are expected to become professional pianists in the future. The event, which was held at the Yun Hall Artified Art Center Pantai Indah Kapuk, was held on December 11 2022. This event was carried out with a program rundown which was divided into three sessions where in one session presented about fifteen young pianists whose ages ranged from seven to fifteen years.
The participants were given the opportunity to come forward one by one to demonstrate their ability to play piano musical instruments, most of which were performed solo, but some were combined with vocals and some were combined with playing other musical instruments such as the violin.
The presence of Denali Gourmet as one of the main sponsors is a form of support for talented young talents in the world of music. On this occasion the Denali team presented a variety of fresh and interesting drinks which became a mood booster and brought joy to the participants and visitors. The event went smoothly and lively until the end of the event. The Denali team is very happy to be a part of this event and will continue to support the progress of the Indonesian music scene.
See you on the next event with Denali. Denali, perfect for every moment. Denali, sweet as you love it.
In recent years Mixology has developed rapidly in Indonesia, Denali collaborated with ICP to hold a Mixology event, in addition to introducing various kinds of beverage preparations, through this event will produce new talented mixologists. Solo is the 4th city in the Denali roadshow series, this event took place at the end of last August. The event started with a workshop held on Saturday 27 August, where the experts shared their experiences and skills, also introduced various types and methods of making various kinds of drinks and using various Denali Gourmet products ranging from Syrup, Powder, Puree and Sauce. Denali products have a special category for Mixology including syrups such as Mojito Mint which has a sour and fresh taste, besides that there is also a Blue Citrus Syrup which has an attractive color that will make the presentation of the drink more perfect. The Denali Mastermixo competition was held the next day, attended by dozens of bartenders and baristas, they competed to show their skills and abilities in processing mocktails with coffee blends, and Denali product variants, a team of judges who were presented from various fields ranging from experts in the coffee world and experienced mixologists , and 3 winners were chosen, Jonathan Kevin Julian (gramscoffee.lab) became the first winner, Keniko Stefanus (gramscoffee.lab) became the 2nd winner and the 3rd place was occupied by Dewa Hendarto (coffee alma mater). The next Denali roadshow will visit Palembang in early September, don't miss the excitement of the Denali Mastermixo Throwdown event, see ya!
Denali Mastermixo Throwdown kembali hadir, kali ini mengunjungi kota Barabai, Kalimantan Selatan, acara bertajuk mixology ini bertujuan untuk lebih mengenalkan dunia mixology yang sedang hangat diperbincangkan, bekerjasama dengan ICP dan Hero Café, acara ini berlangsung dengan semarak, dengan dihadiri oleh expert mixology dan puluhan partisipan turut ambil bagian dalam kompetisi Denali Mastermixo Throwdown.
Event ini berlangsung pada 13-14 Agustus 2022, dimulai dengan workshop mixology yang di hadiri puluhan bartender maupun barista, yang ingin mengetahui banyak hal tentang dunia mixology, Ulfauljanah sebagai expert turut serta membagikan pengalaman juga menunjukan skillnya dalam mengolah minuman, tentunya dengan menggunakan produk dari Denali.
Puncak acara Denali Mastermixo Throwdown berlangsung pada esoknya, dimulai dengan Talkshow yang menghadirkan expert dalam dunia coffee dan mixology yaitu Andika Dwi yang telah berbagi pengalaman dan skill dalam dunia coffee mixology.
Dilanjutkan dengan kompetisi Denali Mastermixomixology, yang bertujuan untuk para bartender dan barista bisa mengeksplorasi keahlian masing-masing dalam bidang minuman dan terus bisa meningkatkan kreativitas mereka. Final dari kompetisi ini dimenangkan oleh saudara Andry Febi Pratama menjadi juara pertama, saudara Nur Hidayat di posisi kedua, dan saudara Raihan Nasrul menjadi juara ketiga. Selamat kepada pemenang yang telah memenangkan kompetisi Denali Mastermixo Throwdown.
Roadshow Denali Mastermixo Throwdown selanjutnya akan mengunjungi kota Solo, jangan sampai ketinggalan keseruan acara juga kompetisi para bartender dan barista. Sampai berjumpa di kota selanjutnya!