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 5 Tips to Make The Perfect V60
5 Tips to Make The Perfect V60!
As the name suggests, Manual Brew Coffee refers to coffee brewed manually, without the use of a machine. This method is typically used to allow the coffee's natural flavors to come out of the beans, resulting in a more flavorful drink. Unlike espresso, Manual Brew doesn’t require complex or expensive equipment.


Many manual brew methods are commonly used in cafes, coffee shops, or at home, one of which is the V60. The V60 is a simple Manual Brew method that requires minimal equipment to brew a delicious cup of coffee, perfect for any time of the day.

However, making V60 can be a bit challenging as there are many factors that can influence the taste. Here are 5 tips to improve your V60.

Rinse Coffee Filter Flushing
Source: James Hoffman

Rinse Your Paper Filter

You might overlook this simple step, but rinsing (rinse / flushing) your Coffee Paper Filter with hot water will improve your brewing results. By flushing, you remove the paper taste and smell that might still cling to the filter, while also warming up the dripper before pouring your ground coffee.

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Water Temperature

The temperature of the water you use is often neglected, but it's a crucial element that affects the quality of your V60. Boiling water (100ºC) isn’t always suitable for brewing coffee. The usual temperature for brewing V60 ranges between 90ºC - 95ºC. The water temperature also depends on the type of coffee beans you use, so experiment to find the right temperature. Use a thermometer for accurate readings.


Coffee Beans

The beans you use will definitely impact the flavor of the coffee. According to Tasting Table, “Washed, light to medium roast beans are preferred” because they have complex flavors and can be well extracted using the V60 method. Scuro Coffee offers many varieties of beans suitable for V60, such as: Flores Bajawa, Bali Kintamani, and Papua Wamena.


The Blooming process is the essential first pour in V60 Manual Brew. This process releases trapped CO2 from the ground coffee and brings out spectacular flavors. It is done for 30-45 seconds using 50-60ml of hot water.


The final step to consider is Pouring, which can be done in various ways. You can pour the water all at once, or in intervals. This process is what makes the V60 a bit “tricky.”
What do you think? Making the perfect V60 requires precision and consistency. But do you want an easier way? Scuro has the solution for you.


The Lookyami Specialty Automatic V60 brewing machine can produce delicious V60 coffee every time because it’s programmed to heat water to the right temperature and release it in the perfect amount and timing to brew the best cup of coffee. Want to learn more? Check out the SCURO Official Store.
5 Recommended Coffee Machines for Cafe Under IDR 70 Million
5 Recommended Coffee Machines for Cafe Under IDR 70 Million
Investing in a reliable coffee machine is the key to success for café owners! To help you find the best coffee machine within an affordable budget, here are 5 recommended coffee machines from La Nuova Era that you can own for under 70 million IDR! These machines come with outstanding features and professional performance, perfect for cafés of various sizes.


La Nuova Era Armonia – Around 33 Million IDR

La Nuova Era Armonia is a semi-automatic espresso machine with an affordable price, offering a sleek design and stable coffee brewing capabilities. This budget-friendly 2-group machine is equipped with a 4-liter boiler and dual-function water connection! So, you can choose the water source for this machine using a 10-liter water tank or connect it directly to an external water source (gallon, water purifier system, etc.).

Key Features:
- 4-liter boiler capacity
- Dual-function water connection
- Compact and modern design


La Nuova Era Arpa 1 Group – Around 38 Million IDR

La Nuova Era Arpa 1 Group is the perfect choice for small cafés that still want to deliver professional espresso quality. With one grouphead, this machine can work efficiently while maintaining stable performance. Its elegant design makes it an attractive addition to the barista’s area.

Key Features:
- One grouphead for efficiency
- 5-liter boiler capacity
- Elegant and easy-to-operate design


La Nuova Era Arpa 2 Group – 47 Juta-an

If you need a machine with a larger capacity, La Nuova Era Arpa 2 Group is the answer. This machine is equipped with two groupheads, allowing you to serve coffee simultaneously, boosting productivity. With a larger boiler capacity and precise temperature control, this machine is ready to serve high-traffic cafés.

Key Features:
- Two groupheads for high volume
- 10-liter boiler capacity
- Stable temperature control for consistent flavor


La Nuova Era Altea Root 2 Group – Around 51 Million IDR

La Nuova Era Altea Root 2 Group combines beautiful design with powerful performance. With two groupheads, this machine is ideal for cafés looking to increase production volume without compromising espresso quality. Its automatic features allow you to easily set water volume, while the heat exchange system ensures every shot of espresso is brewed to perfection.

Key Features:
- Heat exchange system for temperature stability
- Two groupheads for high efficiency
- Modern and premium design


La Nuova Era Arabika – Around 61 Million IDR

For cafés aiming for premium quality, La Nuova Era Arabika is the best choice. This machine comes with advanced technology to ensure consistency in every cup of coffee served. With a large boiler capacity and two groupheads, this machine can handle high-volume orders with ease. Notably, it features a unique brewing system with a “Piston Lever” to deliver authentic Italian-style espresso!

Key Features:
- Two groupheads for optimal productivity
- 10-liter boiler capacity
- Advanced technology for flavor consistency



These five coffee machines from La Nuova Era are excellent choices for cafés with a budget under 70 million IDR. Each machine offers standout features and professional performance that can help enhance the quality and efficiency of your café. For more information about the products above, or if you'd like to see them in person, please contact or visit SCURO Official Store.
Share Sweetness Spread Happiness
Share Sweetness, Spread Happiness
Berbagi dengan sesama adalah bentuk terbaik untuk mensyukuri apa yang telah Tuhan berikan.
Di penghujung tahun 2023, Denali berkesempatan untuk mengunjungi dua Yayasan Sosial yaitu Yayasan Kasih Anugerah dan Yayasan Tangan Kasih. Kedatangan Denali kali ini adalah bentuk dukungan dan kasih sayang Denali kepada Orang tua dan Teman-teman yang tinggal di Yayasan Sosial.
Pada kesempatan ini, Denali berbagi momen-momen manis seperti bercengkrama, berbagi cerita dan canda tawa bersama. Beberapa rangkaian kegiatan dilaksanakan, seperti bernyanyi bersama, games dan hiburan lainnya. Rangkaian acara yang kemudian disambut dengan senyum dan tawa kebahagiaan dari para peserta.
Semoga apa yang Denali berikan, dapat menjadi manfaat dan kebahagiaan bagi mereka dan semoga secuil tawa kebersamaan dapat menjadi api semangat di tahun mendatang..
Denali, Share Sweetness, Spread Happiness
DENALI x ADELLE 10th Anniversary
DENALI x ADELLE 10th Anniversary
Adelle Jewellery, salah satu brand perhiasan yang terkenal di Indonesia, berulang tahun yang ke-10! Untuk merayakan satu dekade ini, Adelle Jewellery merayakan salah satu milestone terbesar mereka di Plaza Indonesia, Ganara Art Space, dari 10-12 November 2023.


Adelle Jewellery berhasil menyulap Ganara Artspace menjadi Adelle Hotel yang sangat futuristik dan memanjakan mata dengan seluruh koleksi perhiasan yang indah dan berkilau. Di Adelle juga menyelenggarakan banyak acara acara menarik mulai dari Jewellery Color Theory, Jewellery Styling, hingga acara storytelling untuk anak anak! Adelle Hotel ini juga dihadiri oleh sejumlah public figure, seperti: Tyas Mirasih, Cut Meyriska, Marcel Candrawinata, dan masih banyak lagi!


Selagi mengikuti acara dan berbelanja, ada booth lainnya yang menyajikan Makanan dan Minuman bagi pengunjung. Denali hadir di Adelle Hotel untuk menyuguhkan minuman baru seluruh pengunjung Adelle Hotel! Setelah melewati Main entrance dan Diamond Vault, pengunjung dapat menikmati Denali dengan “Ring the Bell” yang sudah disediakan.


Bukan hanya Ring the Bell, tapi ada menu special dari Denali yang menggunakan produk baru Denali yaitu Denali Yogurt Powder. Minuman kreasi ini dinamakan “Floryn” dan dibuat exclusive untuk Adelle Hotel. Keseluruhan acara Adelle Hotel yang berlangsung selama 3 hari ini sangat seru! Nantikan Denali di Event berikutnya ya! Kira-kira setelah ini kita akan Collab dengan siapa ya?
Acara pameran Makanan dan Minuman terbesar di Indonesia kembali Hadir di Jakarta. SIAL InterFOOD 2023 kembali diselenggarakan di JIExpo Kemayoran mulai dari tanggal 8-11 November 2023. Tentunya Denali juga hadir dalam pameran ini dengan banyak kejutan seru dan menarik tentunya!

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Denali hadir membawa banyak rasa baru yang bisa dicoba langsung saat Event kemarin, rasa baru Denali antara lain: Denali Honey Syrup, Denali Palm Sugar, Denali Lemongrass Tea Powder, dan juga Denali Yogurt Powder. Pengunjung booth Denali dapat merasakan produk tersebut secara langsung maupun yang sudah dijadikan menu, salah satunya ada “FLORYN”. Menu Floryn ini terbuat dari produk baru Denali Yogurt Powder yang dipadukan dengan Denali Rose Syrup menggabungkan rasas yang sweet dan floral namun tetap didominasi oleh rasa yogurt yang fresh.


Selain rasa baru, Denali juga memperkenalkan varian baru mereka adalah “DENALI ICE CREAM POWDER”. Membuat Soft Serve Ice-Cream tidak pernah semudah ini. Denali juga menyajikannya. Rasa yang disajikan antara lain: Vanilla, Chocolate, dan Matcha. Selain dapat mencicipi rasa es krim Denali yang Lezat, pengunjung juga mendapatkan hadiah menarik hanya dengan mencoba es krim Denali.


Dan yang paling menarik di Booth Denali, ada bagian yang sangat mengejutkan, pada Event ini Denali juga mengadakan kolaborasi dengan Eureka Grinders. Eureka Grinders meluncurkan coffee grinder terbaru “Firenze 75”. Di sini pengunjung bisa mencoba langsung kehebatan penggiling kopi dari Italia ini. Khusus event ini, Firenze 75 bisa didapatkan dengan harga spesial!


Gimana? Seru kan Booth Denali di Event SIAL Tahun ini? Untuk kalian yang kelewatan Booth Denali kali ini, tenang aja, nantikan Denali di Event berikutnya yaa! Follow Instagram Denali dan Scuro Lavino supaya ga ketinggalan info-info penting!
Scuro Store
Rukan Sedayu Square Blok E12/15
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